Thursday, 10 May 2007

centre of..

my culture - detail


preparing the log for the plate

precision cutting

Andy@product design has kindly agreed to help me cut the slots into my metal plates. Had to wait two days though as he's busy guy.

Went over today just in time to see them getting cut.

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

balancing plates in the park

plates prepared for cutting

cool gadgets

Went over to the product design workshop today to get some help from Andy Burke, they got some cool stuff over there.

First up is the laser cutter, simply feed in your 2d image and presto exact cutting on a variety of materials.

Whilst i was there a guy was cutting some clear plastic into 3 cog and wheel segments roughly 300mm x 50mm, all cut perfectly within 15Min's.

Then there's the metal saw which make the one in our workshops look like a toy (see above pictures)

However the real beauty has to be the 3d plastic form making machine (can't remember real name, doh!!). This thing is truly wonderful simply give the computer a 3d software file and like magic before your eyes this machine produces the 3d object perfectly. A bit pricey but i want a shot of it none the less!!

just messing around with an idea from term one

get on the stop motion bandwagon

been inspired by the other guys so i thought i'd have a shot too.